This Weekend I Watched Backcountry

Between visiting with family and cleaning up the home, I got the chance to sit down and watch Netflix. Yay, my favorite activity! My daughter picked out a horror movie called “Backcountry.” Backcountry was filmed in the beautiful wilderness of Ontario, CANADA.  It is based on a true story. The movie features a young couple who decide to spend a few days in the woods camping and fishing.  Everything is going well for the two happy campers until they realize that they are lost without a map and even worse, without a cell phone! (The terror!)  This movie gets you pondering about survival situations.  What do you do if you are faced with a threat?  Do you know how to find water, food and a way out of the wilderness? Although, Hollywood makes surviving a deadly catastrophe look easy, but is it?  What happens when you cut yourself and there is no first aid kit.  How do you respond to a strange man or strange giant animal?  I did a little research on the actual event that inspired the making of the movie, “Backcountry.”  The real-life survivor, (I will not tell who because I do not want to spoil the movie ending…)  had been camping in that area for year and years and have never enter encounter a situation like the one encounter.  The survivor’s one regret was not being prepared on how to deal with a threat.  So watch the movie, and if you go camping in Canada, do your homework and brush-up on your survival techniques.

Urban Survival Site – Survival Myths