Hundreds of high school students interested in pursuing a science major will get first-hand experience as the University of Louisiana at Lafayette hosts Science Day on October 20th. The event is sponsored by Halliburton.
The event will take place from 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Ray P. Authement College of Sciences. The event is open to high school juniors and seniors, parents, teachers, and guidance counselors.
Students will get views of lab experiments as well as research and technology demonstrations. They will also experience presentations from biology, chemistry, computer science, geology, informatics, environmental science, math, and physics instructors.
In addition to meeting with teachers, students will also interact with students of the programs and industry professionals to get insight on courses, degree programs, student organizations, and more.
Dr. Michael Totaro is an associate professor in the School of Computing and Informatics as well as graduate coordinator for the school’s informatics master’s degree program. Science Day, according to Totaro, fosters “a sense of excitement about science, its possibilities, and its capacity for exploration and discovery.”
“It’s also designed to help students learn about processes and programs that will help ease their transition from high school to University life. These include admissions, housing, financial aid and scholarships,” Totaro added.