Should You Eat These Foods with a Fork, Spoon, or Your Hands?
A recent Buzzfeed survey asked people whether they use a fork, a spoon, or their hands to eat different foods. Close to a million people responded:
- Macaroni and cheese. 77% of people said fork . . . 23% a spoon.
- Oatmeal. 95% said spoon, and 4% said fork
- Pie. 83% said fork . . . 13% said spoon
- Potato salad. 80% said fork . . . 19% said spoon . . . 1% said their hands
- Ice cream cake. 54% said fork, and 45% said spoon.
- Ramen. They made “chopsticks” an option. So 72% said they use a fork . . . 18% said chopsticks . . . and apparently 10% of us are somehow eating ramen with a spoon.
- Mashed potatoes. 70% said fork . . . 29% said spoon
Source: Buzzfeed