Living in Acadiana, I often take our traffic situation for granted… It seems bad, until you compare it to places like New Orleans and Houston. I was in Houston over the weekend, and I realized that in Houston, hazard lights are actually “park where ever you want in the middle of the street” lights.
If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic so long while so hungry you wanted to eat your steering wheel… this is for you! Burger King just finished up a test of a new delivery service that would be so helpful there! How does it work? It’s a little like Waitr, except someone on a motorcycle brings food right to your car when you’re stuck in bad traffic! They tested it in Mexico City and found it led to a 63% jump in delivery orders in just one week. That kind of service would make holiday traffic on Ambassador Caffery almost bearable actually 😛 How cool would it be to get a drive-by whopper to calm your hunger while stuck in an endless sea of cars on the road?
Now they’re planning to expand to other cities with horrible traffic, including Los Angeles and Shanghai. And if it works just as well in those places, it could hit places like Houston, New Orleans, or even here in Lafayette if we’re lucky.
On a side note – my mini vacation to Houston reminded me of why I shouldn’t complain so much about the traffic here! Watch this epic video below about the delivery service (the music is like a cross between Blade Runner and Stranger Things :P):