Cajun Chili Fest is a chili cookoff in Maurice Memorial Day weekend!! This cookoff helps raise money for the Family Promise of Acadiana. This organization provides resources and food to families experiencing homelessness. The chili cookoff is May 27 from 11am to 3pm. The teams serving up the best-tasting chili will be awarded with cash prizes and trophies.
This Cajun Chili Fest is also bringing in competitors from out-of-state. These chili-making teams are hoping to qualify for the Chili Appreciation Society International (CASI) world-championship competition in Terlingua, Texas.
The $5 fee will allow you to sample the best of the best tasting chili. Plus there will be live music and prizes. This is a chance to support the Family Promise of Acadiana in their mission of helping local families experiencing homelessness become independent.
Cajun Chili Fest, May 27, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
Mendoza Ford, 7951 Maurice Avenue, Maurice La.
$5 admission, ages 12 & under admitted free
Official LA CASI State Championship