Coffee Is Still Good For You Even At Night

Photo: Pexels

Did you toss and turn all night last night? There are lots of reasons you are not sleeping well. You could have had a hard stressful day? Maybe there’s a big life decision to make. Perhaps you haven’t been exercising? Who knows. Or could it be this? Did you drink coffee close to your bedtime? Well, it doesn’t matter if you did because that’s not it. It’s true. A new study says coffee does not affect how well you sleep.

According to scientists, there is no link between sleeplessness and caffeine. So drinking a cup of coffee late in the evening will not disrupt a person’s sleep cycle. Researchers from several different universities just completed a 14-year-long study and found that nicotine and alcohol were more likely to contribute to insomnia. In fact, researchers found that drinking alcohol within 4 hours of bedtime could cause a person to toss and turn throughout the night. Nicotine was an even bigger culprit in preventing a person to doze off. It doesn’t matter whether the person vapes or smokes cigarettes, nicotine can cause a person to lose 43 minutes of sleep a night. That’s almost an hour of sleep.

So, remember a nap cap and smoke will not help you wind down and settle in for the night. It will, instead, keep you staring at the ceiling pondering life’s mysteries.

Here’s the good news. Next time, you can have that afternoon cup of joe. Thanks to science, you do not have to worry if it’s cutting in on your precious sleep. Let’s be honest. Sleep is precious. Sleep keeps you healthy, energetic and young-looking.

Source: Daily Mail