Things We Do Not Use Anymore

What comes with getting older? Watching things change and disappear.  And I am not talking about people. People actually do not disappear, ever.  With social media and internet, every person on the planet is within your grasp.  Gadgets are disappearing.  The stuff we don’t use anymore.  For one, Monopoly is getting rid of the thimble. The kiss! (You know, Peter Pan gave whats her name a kiss, and it was a thimble.) Apparently no one wanted to be the thimble anymore, and it was collecting dust inside the empty game box.  Monopoly is also doing-away with the wheelbarrow and shoe with the imaginary rabbit.  The new tokens include the T-Rex, Rubber duck (made out of metal) and cat.  That is just one example.  There are lots of things that will soon be extinct! VCRs, DVDs, and paper.  Who needs to print anything anymore? Everything is digital. From job applications to taxes.  We read most things from phones and tablets. This will lead to the extinction of book shelves.  What else….

Check out the full list:  25 Things About To Become Extinct